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helping private investors succeed.


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Supercharging your 
For individuals
For Family Offices
Plux. is a leading platform for likeminded private investors, often consisting of the next generation of wealth owners, entrepreneurs, CEOs, business leaders, and others on the path in their own success stories.
Our purpose is to empower private capital owners to take control of their financial futures with confidence and clarity, allowing them to develop a multi-asset portfolio including alternative assets.


Democratise institutional level access to quality data, alternative asset opportunities and investment strategies.



Disintermediate expensive advisory firms widely criticised for their lack of value-add, opaque & complex fee structures, and lack of flexible and personalised solutions.



Streamline your procedures by implementing technology and a community-accelerated centre of excellence.

Why alternative assets?
Alternative assets still remain among the most exclusive assets in investment portfolios, often considered reserved for the ultra-wealthy. With the current state of the capital markets, there is not only an increasing desire to be part of this asset class, but also for the potential return-enhancements they contain.

under-allocation to alternatives by private investors vs institutional portfolios


average allocation of family office portfolios to alternative assets


of private bank CIOs believe their clients are under-exposed to alternatives


of private bank CIOs believe that alternatives lead to greater risk adjusted returns

How it works

Because your legacy deserves superpowers too.

Our extensive knowledge and research indicated the 5 key issues private investors struggle with.

Here's our approach to solving them.


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Your personal Centre of Excellence

Our community allows you to extend well beyond your personal limits.
Educate yourself and exceed your individual capabilities to grow alongside your money
Invest alongside other intelligent investors
Network with fellow private investors
Hire and connect with subject matter experts and advisors


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Plux. enables access to a variety of alternative asset classes

Target institutional-like exposure to alternative asset classes. Alternative investments help improve returns and diversify portfolios, it also allows you to put your money to work where you want to make a change.

Examples of asset classes include:
Venture capital
Private equity
Real estate
Digital assets
Art & collectibles
Private credit


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Take control of your alternative investments with confidence and clarity

We allow private investors to have more control over their wealth and for wealth to be put to work shaping the future without pesky, opaque, and expensive fees
Put your money to work shaping the future
Invest in your interests, passions, and personalise your portfolio
Make a change by investing in anything from social impact investments, and NGOs, to philanthropy


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Institution-like operations, investments, and returns; without the price tag.

By bringing together a range of private capital investors with a distinct common goal, we can create Micro Institutional Collectives™️("MIC"), our vision of the next structure of institutionalised investors.
Possibility to lead investment rounds due to improved processes and increased knowledge, resources, and investment influence (possible board seat), without the need for fund-of-fund & fund commitments
Access to increased options and improved decision making
Hive mind creation | a collective consciousness in which a group of people become aware of their commonality and think and act as a community, sharing their knowledge, thoughts, and resources


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Register your interest in our proprietary digital family office solution

Plux. is producing a one-of-a-kind private wealth platform based on a digitalised and adapted multi family office structure.
Register your interest now
Efficient collaborations & operations
Education & community
Data analysis & aggregation to single-source-of-truth data lake
Secure, sophisticated cloud-based API platform
Intelligent AI operating system with co-pilot
Automated digital reporting and insights
Our solutions

Purposefully designed solutions,

with subscriptions to suit your specific needs.
Contact us to discuss your options.


Private investor community

Supporting the private wealth community with access to peer-to-peer solutions and resources to help wealth owners.
Find out more

Alternative assets platform

Diversify, personalise, and manage your alternative assets portfolio with our AltOS platform. From art and passion assets, to VC and PE funds.
Find out more

Bionic Digital Family Office

A one-of-a-kind private wealth platform based on a digitalised and adapted multi family office structure.
Find out more
What makes us different

A disruptive vision that changes the way you enjoy your wealth and maximise your legacy

The Plux. principles

Designed for the next generation of wealth owners.
Those who think:
"There must be a better way to do this. "

Getting things done

We enable you to to reach your goals by giving you the latest tools, opportunities, and knowledge necessary to reach your objectives.


Doing things right

With our collective expertise, we developed an intelligent solution that will allow you to allocate and optimise means and resources where they count the most.


Doing the right things

Our platform allows you to achieve the best result with the least amount of resources, in the shortest possible time.

Our founder vision

I realised the private wealth management industry was broken...

“This [realisation] sparked an idea in me—a vision for a new kind of institution tailored specifically for the next generation of wealth. I imagined a platform that seamlessly integrated the shifts in society, culture, and technology into a user-friendly, accessible mega-platform… a new type of Multi Family Office… a new approach to private wealth management.
This platform wouldn't just disrupt private wealth management; it would make it more personal and intuitive, bridging the gap between traditional finance and the digital age. ”

Jurgen Vleminckx

More info

Frequently Asked Questions

Am I eligible to join Plux.?

Memberships can only be awarded to accredited or sophisticated investors or local equivalents.

How can I become a member?

Contacting us below or going through the specific solution's sections is the best way to get the ball rolling. We will take it from there.

Ready to join the revolution?

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