The smart way to invest in alternative assets.

Diversify, personalise, and manage your alternative assets portfolio with AltOS.

AltOS is a platform that democratises building and managing a multi-asset portfolio with alternative assets like venture capital, art, and collectibles. Invest around your personal investment themes, appetite of risk, and even in areas you personally care about.

Invest in the #1 wealth building assets

Alternative assets are commonly said to have higher risk adjusted returns.

Co-invest with a collective

Invest alongside experienced investors and invest through the strength of the community.

Supercharge your portfolio

Gain access to a selection of powerful asset classes with the aim of reducing risk and enhancing returns.

Efficient technology

Our platform provides a solid operating system to manage all your alternative investments in one place.
Coming soon
Coming soon.

You've reached us before we are ready for you.

Sign up to our waitlist to be among the first group to access the platform and receive a free year subscription for the top 5 waitlisted. Expected beta launch is Q4 2024.